Finding Support for Survivors of Abuse in Columbus, Ohio

Are you a survivor of abuse in Columbus, Ohio and in need of support? You are not alone. There are many resources available to help you find the assistance you need. The free and confidential hotline for help and support, CHOICES, connects victims of domestic violence in the South Asian community to resources, case management, crisis intervention, and provides support. This organization also offers interpretation and transportation services.

In addition to providing around-the-clock support services to victims of domestic violence through its crisis hotline, temporary emergency shelters, legal defense, counseling, and peer support groups, they also have a 24-hour crisis hotline, domestic violence counseling, legal advocates, and peer support groups for people escaping intimate partner violence. The YWCA Rape Crisis Center provides support groups for survivors of sexual assault. These groups are designed to allow survivors to share their feelings, fears, problems, and anxieties with others who can truly understand why they have experienced these feelings. The YWCA provides promotional and emotional support services along with medical and social services at OhioHealth emergency departments and other local centers in central Ohio. If you are a survivor of abuse in Columbus, Ohio looking for support, there are many resources available to help you find the help you need. Reach out to the free and confidential hotline for help and support or contact the YWCA Rape Crisis Center for more information about their support groups.

You are not alone.